Meadowcreek United Methodist Church located in Collinsville, Oklahoma is a registered OKUMC Lighthouse Congregation. Below is information you may find helpful about what a Lighthouse Congregation is. Please contact our church at 918-371-3250 and speak with Reverend Nathan Mattox if you would like further information.
Lighthouse Congregations are local churches in the Oklahoma Annual Conference that are willing to offer ministry to anyone whose church has closed or disaffiliated and who wish to remain a United Methodist. The role of the congregation is to be a safe place where persons can find a life with God and a community of faith where they can also support the church with their prayers, presence, gifts, and service. It may also be a place where these persons are encouraged to take opportunities offered by the Annual Conference/local church to grieve the loss of their previous family of faith and the life that they had in that church. Offering these persons, the opportunity to grieve in a safe place is important for the well-being of their lives.
Lighthouse congregations will covenant to:
- Provide a welcoming place to belong during this time of grief and transition, which may be for a time, or forever. This includes a safe space with caring relationships, listening hearts, and an unconditional love within a congregation that is confident it is remaining in the UMC.
- Provide all forms of pastoral and laity care.
- This may also include providing physical space for groups of people who are in this situation, to gather as they may be considering what it looks like for them to stay together as a church or ministry within the UMC of Oklahoma.
- Offer ministry opportunities in which to engage. However, there will be no pressure to do so.
- Worship: Providing worship opportunities in person. These services should be intentional about engaging and welcoming new people into their midst. They should also include the sacraments of communion and baptism and opportunities to make a profession of faith and join the church, if desired by the individual.
- Discipleship: Creating space to learn and grow through small groups, like a Sunday School Class, Bible study, or other small group which is a part of the church's ministry. Note: these persons may want to stay together in one of these expressions as a group.
- Mission: Inviting fellow United Methodists into opportunities to serve through hands-on ministries. These would include anything that falls under the ministry of the United Methodist Church on a local, district, or conference level.
- Connect persons or groups with Conference and District resources to help them discern their next steps as they consider a new church home.

Contact Us
Meadowcreek UMCCollinsville, Oklahoma 74021